Sunday, July 7, 2024

Could This Be The Antichrist?

Mohammed bin Salman, nicknamed by his initials MBS. He's the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, and unofficially considered the de facto ruler because his father who is 88 years old isn't considered in good health.

Though not Biblical, Nostradamus predicted 3 evil men he called antichrists. Napaulon Roy, who turned out to be Napoleon. Hister, who turned out to be Hitler, and Mabus, who could be MBS.

Then there are some verses from the Holy Bible (KJV - which is the King James Version) that I will share, but first want to be careful to not twist, nor misinterpret anything, nor to add nor take away, nor to say outright whether or not this is what it means. I am merely noticing similarities in what was written and what has happened and happening, and you can decide what you think and time will tell.

Revelation 17:10-11

10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

If you look at how many Kings there have been in Saudi Arabia, there have been seven. Five of them died as King, and one of them abdicated, and one of them is still King.

Click on the part where it refers to the Third Saudi State 1902 - present.

The current (7th) King is old and unhealthy, and MBS is the Crown Prince, Prime Minister, and unofficially considered the de facto ruler who is running things there. He's the next in line to become the 8th King of Saudi Arabia after the current 7th King. He's also popular to the world but there are people who know he's a psychopath and while he claims he wants to change the bad laws in his country it's really in worse conditions because of him. Here is one example.

A man named Brandon claims to have had an experience where Jesus showed him the rapture and tribulation in extensive detail. He explains it in detail here and in another video where he says who he thinks the Antichrist and False Prophet are here. He was also interviewed about it here.

I'm not trying to say definitively that I absolutely know that's exactly what will or won't happen. But I'm noticing a lot of things are happening that I can't ignore. MBS is the one working on a peace treaty between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and somehow the negotiations are involving Palestine. Many believe it's gonna be a seven year treaty that is broken halfway through at 3 and a half years.

If MBS is the Antichrist then he will deceive many people. Don't be deceived by him, don't trust him, don't bow down to him, and don't accept any microchip that he might want people to get. And NEVER reject Jesus who is the true Messiah.