Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tothian's Song/Hey Kid, by Dan Olson

The lyrics go:

"You've got your grand heroic schemes.
They come to you in your dreams,
but your life never works out like that...

They'll laugh at you until they see
that they started World War 3
then they'll think twice about that...

You got your Army of your Knights
They'll follow you until they die,
but then again maybe they won't...

And when you die you hope and pray
That you'll be Jesus for a day
but you're not dying for my sins...

Hey Kid, you're not a prophet.
Put that gun
back in your pocket.

Hey Kid, you're not a prophet.
Put that gun
back in your pocket.

You can show but who will see
You can lead but who will follow?
Who will follow?
Who will follow?
I can't follow..."

Friday, August 16, 2024

A Desolate World

People who have been alive longer, might notice what I'm talking about a lot more. Younger people won't notice it as much. But the world feels empty and desolate. Things are definetely different in the world. I can name several examples of things different in the world today than what it was decades ago. And it's not any one specific thing since there could be people or places that what I'm saying doesn't apply to, yet it's still the fact that it's a lot of different things adding up that people are noticing. But each of them, or even all of them as a whole aren't the actual cause of what I'm talking about. Those things are the effect of it. It feels like an entirely different energy and spirit altogether, or lack of.

I'm referring to both big and small things. People seemed happier decades ago compared to now. People were more physically and socially active, and had more fun. Social circles will either larger and/or people had more joy compared to now.

Stores were even more active too. Malls were full both in stores and customers. If you go to them now they're empty and desolate. And stores like Spencer's which seemed to be in every mall had fun silly prank things and lava lamps now are flooded with satanic imagery. There isn't really as many pet stores anymore. It used to be fun to look at the different fish, turtles, or hermit crabs. Even fast food or any restaurant food was healthier and/or tasted better.

Music was better. That gradually got worse over time. The 50's, 60's, and 70's had good music. 80's had a few good ones. But since then over time you may notice the songs lacked spirit and love.

Even movies and tv shows are different now. Back in my younger days, movies and tv shows were fun, funny, and entertaining. There was personality. Nowadays, it isn't about the most entertaining story anymore. It's all about not offending anyone, and promoting an agenda.

What was romantic then would be considered creepy now. Yet things like toxicity, red flags, trauma, ghosting, hookup culture, short term physical pleasure, divorce - if marriage at all, all seems to be the norm for many people now. I'm not a fan of that lifestyle. Even people who are part of that think they're hopeless romantics but they aren't.

If you asked someone their religion back then it was mostly always some form of Christian. Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, and some who were Jewish. Now many people say they're spiritual but not religious, or that they're agnostic, and even many people who say they're Christian don't seem to take it too seriously.

Even I myself am flawed as a Christian I admit. I used to only care about wanting to help others. Maybe part of it was glory seeking too, but it was fun. But now the passion and motivation is all gone. The self discipline and focus still exist though. But I'm definitely not the same person I used to be, and I'm definitely not living in the same world I used to live in.