Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tothian's Song/Hey Kid, by Dan Olson

The lyrics go:

"You've got your grand heroic schemes.
They come to you in your dreams,
but your life never works out like that...

They'll laugh at you until they see
that they started World War 3
then they'll think twice about that...

You got your Army of your Knights
They'll follow you until they die,
but then again maybe they won't...

And when you die you hope and pray
That you'll be Jesus for a day
but you're not dying for my sins...

Hey Kid, you're not a prophet.
Put that gun
back in your pocket.

Hey Kid, you're not a prophet.
Put that gun
back in your pocket.

You can show but who will see
You can lead but who will follow?
Who will follow?
Who will follow?
I can't follow..."

Friday, August 16, 2024

A Desolate World

People who have been alive longer, might notice what I'm talking about a lot more. Younger people won't notice it as much. But the world feels empty and desolate. Things are definetely different in the world. I can name several examples of things different in the world today than what it was decades ago. And it's not any one specific thing since there could be people or places that what I'm saying doesn't apply to, yet it's still the fact that it's a lot of different things adding up that people are noticing. But each of them, or even all of them as a whole aren't the actual cause of what I'm talking about. Those things are the effect of it. It feels like an entirely different energy and spirit altogether, or lack of.

I'm referring to both big and small things. People seemed happier decades ago compared to now. People were more physically and socially active, and had more fun. Social circles will either larger and/or people had more joy compared to now.

Stores were even more active too. Malls were full both in stores and customers. If you go to them now they're empty and desolate. And stores like Spencer's which seemed to be in every mall had fun silly prank things and lava lamps now are flooded with satanic imagery. There isn't really as many pet stores anymore. It used to be fun to look at the different fish, turtles, or hermit crabs. Even fast food or any restaurant food was healthier and/or tasted better.

Music was better. That gradually got worse over time. The 50's, 60's, and 70's had good music. 80's had a few good ones. But since then over time you may notice the songs lacked spirit and love.

Even movies and tv shows are different now. Back in my younger days, movies and tv shows were fun, funny, and entertaining. There was personality. Nowadays, it isn't about the most entertaining story anymore. It's all about not offending anyone, and promoting an agenda.

What was romantic then would be considered creepy now. Yet things like toxicity, red flags, trauma, ghosting, hookup culture, short term physical pleasure, divorce - if marriage at all, all seems to be the norm for many people now. I'm not a fan of that lifestyle. Even people who are part of that think they're hopeless romantics but they aren't.

If you asked someone their religion back then it was mostly always some form of Christian. Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, and some who were Jewish. Now many people say they're spiritual but not religious, or that they're agnostic, and even many people who say they're Christian don't seem to take it too seriously.

Even I myself am flawed as a Christian I admit. I used to only care about wanting to help others. Maybe part of it was glory seeking too, but it was fun. But now the passion and motivation is all gone. The self discipline and focus still exist though. But I'm definitely not the same person I used to be, and I'm definitely not living in the same world I used to live in.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Could This Be The Antichrist?

Mohammed bin Salman, nicknamed by his initials MBS. He's the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, and unofficially considered the de facto ruler because his father who is 88 years old isn't considered in good health.

Though not Biblical, Nostradamus predicted 3 evil men he called antichrists. Napaulon Roy, who turned out to be Napoleon. Hister, who turned out to be Hitler, and Mabus, who could be MBS.

Then there are some verses from the Holy Bible (KJV - which is the King James Version) that I will share, but first want to be careful to not twist, nor misinterpret anything, nor to add nor take away, nor to say outright whether or not this is what it means. I am merely noticing similarities in what was written and what has happened and happening, and you can decide what you think and time will tell.

Revelation 17:10-11

10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

If you look at how many Kings there have been in Saudi Arabia, there have been seven. Five of them died as King, and one of them abdicated, and one of them is still King.

Click on the part where it refers to the Third Saudi State 1902 - present.

The current (7th) King is old and unhealthy, and MBS is the Crown Prince, Prime Minister, and unofficially considered the de facto ruler who is running things there. He's the next in line to become the 8th King of Saudi Arabia after the current 7th King. He's also popular to the world but there are people who know he's a psychopath and while he claims he wants to change the bad laws in his country it's really in worse conditions because of him. Here is one example.

A man named Brandon claims to have had an experience where Jesus showed him the rapture and tribulation in extensive detail. He explains it in detail here and in another video where he says who he thinks the Antichrist and False Prophet are here. He was also interviewed about it here.

I'm not trying to say definitively that I absolutely know that's exactly what will or won't happen. But I'm noticing a lot of things are happening that I can't ignore. MBS is the one working on a peace treaty between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and somehow the negotiations are involving Palestine. Many believe it's gonna be a seven year treaty that is broken halfway through at 3 and a half years.

If MBS is the Antichrist then he will deceive many people. Don't be deceived by him, don't trust him, don't bow down to him, and don't accept any microchip that he might want people to get. And NEVER reject Jesus who is the true Messiah.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Heroism Belongs to God

1 Chronicles 29:11
Thine, O Lord is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all.

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Those are some verses to explain what I mean. I notice a lot of misconceptions said within the Real Life Superhero Community, in the part of the Community that I really don't even refer to as the actual Real Life Superhero Community. SHINO's. Super Heroes In Name Only. As I mentioned in another blog post, there are two superhero communities. The real war of heroism versus villainy, and good versus evil, is NOT like in fiction where one side is obviously good and the other side is obviously evil - at least not to the general public as a whole. In real life, both sides fight for the right to be called good and heroic. And then there's some people that want both sides to work together in harmony. But do you want the water you drink to be mixed together in harmony with poison?

Misconceptions I see a lot are when people say dumb things like "it doesn't matter what religion you are" or "respect all religions." Well, actually it does matter that you believe the truth. And what respect should the truth give to a lie?

Here is a dumb post from someone.
That's another misconception. Some people act like we get to decide which God created us. But we don't.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

10- And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11- And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12- That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Some will argue that Jesus said not to judge. And that's right. I'm not seeking to punish people for having a wrong belief. That's up to God. But I am seeking to discern what the truth is about God. Remember, even Jesus is said to have flipped tables when people gambled at church, and He confronted the pharisees for being self righteous hypocrites.

Matthew 21:12-13

12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

The reason I talk about God is not because I'm good, but because God is good. Often when someone does something good they say "Look at what I did." But if something bad happens they blame God. That's backwards logic.

Some people think "well, as long as you're a good person who does good that's all that matters." Well if you think that then read this verse.

Isaiah 64:6

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

Heroism belongs to God. Not people who twist the truth. And not to any popular people everyone likes and speaks well of.

Luke 6:26

Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

Beware of those people everyone always speaks well of. If you really get to know them they're usually well liked because they never are willing to be hated for standing for what is right. They just want to please everyone. But you can't please everyone. By making nobody angry, you also won't make anyone happy.

I can't speak for others, but I don't believe I was born to be a silent spectator to just simply watch the world happen like some mindless robot. But that's not because I'm good. But because God is good.

I'm asserting (and it goes even without me doing so, but I'm asserting anyway) that God the creator and ruler of all things, decides what is heroic. Everything else is just people's opinions, which allows some to try to call evil "good", and good "evil". All heroic actions are meant to give glory to God, who sends us and works through us, not to the one doing the good deed. If your friend sends you a gift in the mail do you send a thank you card to the mailman who delivered it and ignore the one who actually sent it? Heroism is the same way in that it's all thanks be to God Almighty.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Vision of Two Superhero Communities

My dreams show me visions of things which could be spiritual or symbolic, but represent what is here in the physical world, both what I've seen in both fiction and real life, with amplified perceptions to really describe how things really are, as someone can see if they have sight beyond sight.

In the vision of the one superhero community, they all appear so good and great and mighty, so much that when I'm around them I literally think of myself as so lowly and worthless and weak and bad and just plain no good at all. And I feel completely and utterly hopeless as if there's no chance of redemption. But though they have the appearance and reputation of being so good, on the inside they have a demonic level of hatred for me. They focus more on my bad traits and hate me even for my good and bad traits. The hatred leaves such a bad vibe in the air there is an indescribable stench of it that burns. They are overall just filled with hatred, jealousy, and pride. They're very self righteous. The only people they do like are the ones everyone else is talking good about. And if you're attacked, they usually won't defend you (maybe only physically defend you if it will somehow make them look good). They may even say they're staying out of it because they hate drama. But while they will ignore hundreds if not thousands or more attacks against you, the second you fight back, or even say you will, or even say any slight insult back, they're on you like white on rice. These types usually either hate God, or don't believe in Him. Or, some of them claim they believe in Him but are soft, lukewarm, moderate Christians who don't follow Him too seriously.

There is another superhero community I see in the dreams where there could be so many of us in a normal size room, yet for some reason it doesn't feel crowded at all. These people give me this incredible feeling that they are really on my side, regardless of my good or bad traits. They really see the good in me and accept me as I am. I see them all as interesting but not like they're better than me but like they're all interesting and important in their own unique ways. These people are filled with love, both for God and others around them. It doesn't mean they won't have enemies but they only fight them to protect people. If they are your friend, they are willing to be hated by countless people just to be your friend and defend you. They rarely get much credit for what they do.

The difference between them is the fake superheroes are under worked and over appreciated, and the actual superheroes are over worked and under appreciated. I don't mean literal job work, but like actual superhero training, knowledge, and activities. And when I refer to how they see or treat me, it's not just me but also to others.

Although fictional, that picture is a representation of two actual superheroes meeting and idolizing a fake superhero.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Tothian VS. Devil of Brooklyn Soundtrack

One day, there could be comic books and movies written about the epic war between the real life superhero known as Tothian versus the real life supervillain known as Devil of Brooklyn. We have been at war in both the physical and spiritual realm for thousands of years although time doesn't really exist in spiritual realm, but now born into human bodies our battle of good versus evil has manifest into the physical realm.

In each movie, there are soundtracks. Here are a list of songs that would be in that movie.

-One Slip and it's Doomsday by Master Legend
-Collide, by Howie Day
-Let's Get Retarded, by Black Eyed Peas
-I won't back down by Tom Petty
-Devil of Angel by Bobby Vee
-Eye in the Sky, by Alan Parsons Project
-In Too Deep, by Genesis
-Chosen Ones, by Dream Evil

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Tothian Website

That's my main website with all kinds of information about me, and lists to all of my social media profiles, many links, a way to contact me, information about me, and also an FAQ consisting of lists of questions either that people have asked me, might ask me, or just funny cool stuff. There are also pictures of me on there, and a page with a list of books I recommend reading. Also links of how anyone who wants to can donate money to me, of course to be used how I decide. I can't promise refunds, so only donate if you really want to.

Anyway there is also a list of groups I run, with information about them, in case anyone is wondering about them, or needs our help, or wants to join us.

Friday, November 25, 2022

The New York Initiative is Evil

The New York Initiative began to set up in mid late 2009. It was Zimmer, Z (who was later known as Zero, Jack Cero, Johnny Crowley, and D3V1L), TSAF, and Lucid. Since I lived in an area of New Jersey where I could quickly and easily get to New York City, I met up with them a few times. I never met Lucid as he wasn't there in New York City yet. Sir Steampunk (who I heard passed away some years later) was going to move there, but there was some personal drama between him and Zimmer (big surprise, not) so he decided not to move to New York City.

I wasn't a member, just an ally. Z always gave me very bad vibes, even from when I first heard about him and saw his picture online a year or two prior, I instantly knew he was someone that was eventually going to try to cause me problems and tell people bad things about me, no matter what I did. Like there was nothing I could do to stop it. Did you ever get mad at someone not for what they did but for what you know they are going to do, and you kind of get mad at yourself for not doing more to stop it even though you know you couldn't have, regardless of which decisions you made. Even if you gave up all dignity and self respect and bowed down to them, you knew they would still dedicate their life to trying to turn people against you because of something you said or did, or would say or do, that they deemed a mistake.

It's been said to have a mind like a serpent but a heart like a dove. When I met Z in real life in New York City, we did have some really deep interesting conversations. I could tell by his mannerisms, and communication patterns that he is definitely the sociopath be claimed to be. I myself even said or did some odd things deliberately when I met him because I knew I had to test his reactions, and what I learned about him is that in real life he starts out very friendly and likeable and complimenting and making people think very highly of themselves, but then later on once he thinks he has your respect and loyalty he will start to give critiques to you about yourself.

One example. A driver who accidentally almost hit me when he wanted to drive past the red light and beeped and yelled at me (he was clearly hyped up on crack or red bull something) and I yelled back, then he yelled back again and we are yelling bad words at each other and threatening each other but then light turns green and then he speeds across the main street and I run after him yelling hysterically at him and saying bad words and very bad things and chase him through traffic, magically avoiding getting hit by any cars, so when he got stuck in traffic I walked right up to his drive side window, smiled and waved at him. I was there, ready for him in case he wanted to fight me. But he just smiled and waved back, so I walked back to where I was. Zero has a big smile on his face, laughing he says to me "Now I know what we can use you for. If we ever need to fucking kill somebody!" - ironically that was actually my favorite memory of him.

Anyway, at this time in late 2009, Zimmer had been running the Heroes Network all year long, which I founded and previously ran for two years from 2007 to 2009. He and I were having some disagreements about the Heroes Network. It was no longer a good place anymore. What used to seem like a Heavens Network became like a Hells Network.

Fast forward some weeks. Zero told me there was gonna be a meeting at his house. I said I wouldn't be able to make it, yet I might have actually showed up anyway. But when he said to me "it's mandatory" I told him "Dude, I'm not part of your team. I'm just an ally. I network, that's what I do." then he's like "you're a reserve member" I said "No, I never agreed to that." Actually, people who knew me back then knew I always even went out of my way to make it known I operate independently, yet still willing to help out others when needed.

Zero literally began to make threats against my life, and also many countless other horrible evil threats. I told him multiple times to come and get me, and he just said "lol" but he's too much of a coward to do that, or maybe his staying away would actually suggest that he's smarter than I had given him credit for. But at that time when I told others, many people in the RLSH Community showed me how evil and fake they were when they sat on the fence and "stayed neutral" to such evil. Or if anything, got mad at me for "spreading drama" despite having my life threatened.

I'll never forget after Z/Zero got banned from Zetamans forum. In 2010 he went crying to him in Tea Krulos' blog, he was like "You ask anyone, ANYONE, and they will tell you I'm the most fair person in the world." BULLSHIT! Nice guy Zetaman let's Z back in, who immediately started his shit again.

In early 2011, I tried to make peace with Zimmer and Zero. But instead they made a LIE to the hospital that I was planning to kill myself. After that I was actually planning at that time to go pay Zimmer and Zero a little visit. I told their team mate Samaritan, who suggested to let him mediate first. So I reluctantly agreed. He calls them, and a little while later calls me back, and said they agreed to leave me alone if I left them alone. I agreed. It sounded fair enough.

I didn't use internet on computer too much that year. I mostly used Facebook on my phone. This was still a flip phone. Months later when I did go on computer, I found out Zero never stopped his talking shit. So I called up Samaritan, and told him they never stopped. He said he quit their team a while ago because of how bad those people are. He explained all kinds of evil things about them.

The next few years, I'd see a lot of good people randomly having to leave the Real Life Superhero Community. They explained someone threatened their secret identities. When I asked them I found out it was him. And it wasn't just that. He's made all kinds of threats to countless different people. That's why for some years it was mostly left with low quality, watered down wannabes, with evil agendas. Good people and real heroes were hated, and the fakes and bad people were glorified.

The New York Initiative was featured in the Superheroes HBO Documentary. And all that stuff they said about wanting to be good people and help others was completely false. They put on this fake nice guy image for the cameras, yet in real life are some of the rudest, most evil people you'd ever meet.

Zimmer is gone now, mostly forgotten and not missed at all. When he is remembered, it's like how an evil dictator is remembered.

Zero is still around, calling himself Johnny Crowley on Facebook, but "D3V1L" other places. Fitting name. He's FALSELY preaching of and boasting about his "De-Escalation" techniques, even though all he has ever done was try to escalate the most hostile disputes out of thin air. I called him out on that, he made more threats that the stupid little scaredy cat instantly deleted out of fear when I informed him I kept screenshots of it. Then he blocked me. The funny thing about that is before all of this he lied and told people I was afraid of him. FAR from it. He's goofy and nerdy. Him blocking me shows HE is afraid of ME. He's the most toughest talking sissy boy I ever knew. When I met him I felt like I met some silly stupid clown. At first I actually thought he was a little slow in the head, but I believe he's very likely to be autistic. Not that I'm condemning autistic people, as they can mean infinitely different things but in his case it isn't good.

Just recently Mr. Wannabe De-Escalator accused Master Legend of being a "bigot". A widely misused word, which by actual definition refers to someone with intolerance toward others with different opinions and or beliefs. But people use it to describe people who don't support the LGBTQ Community. Then he dared to question Master Legend's friendship with Superhero. Master Legend, Superhero, and I were all friends before the RLSH Community became like an actually big thing. From what I noticed, people tend to form their opinions on any 3 of us not as much by how they interact with us themselves, but rather how they're told to think by others.

The New York Initiative needs to be shut down.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Impact is a Real Life Supervillain

The guy who goes by Impact, AKA Carter Impact is a liar who falsely claims to be a real life Superhero, despite the fact that he's one of the most evil villains there is. I remember when he first came around and said he took advice from SkyMan I knew he was a joke. But the more I read about the things he said and stands for, showed me that he is a very evil AND foolish man - a bad combination right there.

Since then, he has supported evil terrorist groups like Antifa, and BLM. And when a march occured near him protesting the overturn of Roe V. Wade, he joined them because he actively supports abortion, which is murdering babies with spirits who can breathe, think, and feel. A decision that women usually regret and are traumatized by for the rest of their lives. And then he tried to use religion to justify abortion, ignoring the fact that God hates abortion.

He also constantly posts pro gun control propaganda on his Twitter, despite the fact that people need to be able to defend themselves. Sure, someone can post a story where someone with a gun was mugged, while leaving out other facts in order to manipulate the readers into supporting gun control.

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.” -Thomas Jefferson

I am sick of good being called evil, and evil being called good. Stop worshipping false idols like him, and stop condemning real heroes. If you take any type of evil, he's the kind of guy who would be able to justify it. If you take any kind of real good, he's the kind of guy who would find a way to condemn it.

He's the kind of guy who if a father killed someone who raped his daughter, he's the type of evil asshole to say "he should be put in prison for breaking the law". Sometimes the law is good, and sometimes the law is evil. I don't support evil. But any RLSH whose main allegiance to the law first, above morality, is pure evil. And it is whiny weak liberal progressive men like him that they say create bad times.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

John Quincy Adams: Unsung Hero of American History

John Quincy Adams, who isn't one of those Presidents you know as much about from history class. He isn't one of the more talked about Presidents. He's not who you usually hear about as an answer when you ask a random person who their favorite U.S. President is. Although if you do pay attention to history, he might be one of our smartest - if not THE smartest - U.S. President. Yet it isn't his Presidency where he achieved his greatest accomplishments. It might have been everywhere BUT the Presidency. In his other jobs he was given more power and respect, which allowed him to achieve more of what he set out to accomplish. During his entire Presidency, he had to deal with accusations of a "corrupt bargain" which caused many to oppose him and his political agenda, and even caused him to lose his supporters in the House and Senate during the 1826 midterm elections, and even his own re-election in 1828.

Now that I've given you a brief summary, let me tell you about this great American who is truly an unsung hero that I wish more people especially Americans knew more about so that they too could appreciate his accomplishments and give him his rightful place in commonly known history.

He was born on July 11th, 1767. His father was also a future U.S. President, John Adams. Not to change subject, but in 2018 at a Second Amendment rally, I met a descendant of theirs 7x and 8x great grand daughter of theirs, and got a picture with her.
You can literally tell by looking at her that she bears some resemblance to her ancestors the two Adams' Presidents. That could always just be coincidental but I don't think it is.

Anyway, while not old enough to fight in the American Revolution, he did witness some of the battles that took place. While not old enough to actually be one of the Founding Fathers, he worked for one of them at the time. At the age of 6, while John Adams Sr. was a type of Ambassador (of other known titles such as Minister Plenipotentiary or Commissioner) to France, he chose his son John Quincy Adams to be his Secretary. So JQA had an earlier head start into his life of politics, specifically in the area of foreign policy. His father had a tutor or tutors for his son to provide him with the best education someone could possibly receive. I believe due to lack of technological distractions that we have today, education was taken far more seriously back in those days. You would notice this by the way they phrased their sentences in those older books from back in those days. Anyway, by the age of 10, he could read, write, speak, understand, and translate even classic novels, in four different languages. And if that isn't impressive enough, he graduated from Harvard (of all places) - at age 19 (of all ages) - and with honors (the icing on the cake).

At age 26, while his father was serving as the Vice President of the United States under George Washington, the President selected John Quincy Adams to be an Ambassador to The Netherlands, a job he initially chose to refuse, until his father convinced him that it would be a good idea to accept the job. He held that position and also later simultaneously Ambassador to Portugal until the end of George Washington's second term as President, and when the senior John Adams succeeded Washington as the 2nd President of the United States, John Quincy Adams spent the entire four years of his father's one Presidential term as Ambassador to Prussia, which later in the year 1835 would eventually be known as Germany. When he returned to the United States, Thomas Jefferson was now President.

For the first few years of the Jefferson Presidency, John Quincy Adams became a member of the Bucket Brigade, as all able bodied men were part of. For those who don't know what that is, it was a volunteer firefighter group. For one year, John Quincy Adams served as a State Senator in the Massachusetts State Legislature, before that same legislature elected him to serve as their U.S. Senator, back before Senators were directly elected by the people of that state. In the Senate he defied the very Federalist Party that he was a member of at the time, and the party which got him elected to the Senate. He was the only Federalist in the Senate to support the Louisiana Purchase. He also sided with President Thomas Jefferson (who was of the Democratic-Republican Party) on a trade embargo against the United Kingdom, when at the time the Federalist Party took a friendlier approach toward the British, while the Democratic-Republicans were friendlier toward France. By June of 1808 when John learned that the Massachusetts State Legislature elected his successor, he abruptly resigned out of spite.

Later next year, he was chosen to be Ambassador to Russia. During that time, he was sent as part of a delegation to Great Britain to end the War of 1812 - although in 1814. He successfully negotiated the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war. In 1815, he became the Ambassador to Great Britain, in which he spent most of his time helping stranded American sailors and prisoners of war.

In late 1817, President James Monroe selected John Quincy Adams to be his Secretary of State. By this time, the incumbent President and his two immediate predecessors served as Secretary of State, though Thomas Jefferson served as Vice President in between his stints as Secretary of State and President. John Quincy Adams' biggest accomplishment as Secretary of State was his authoring and successful negotiating of the Monroe Doctrine, which allowed Spain to continue to colonize in South America in the countries they already owned, while keeping them from doing so to any more countries beyond that. It was considered the greatest foreign policy success of the 19th century.

In 1824, due to the last 8 years of the Monroe Presidency being known as the "Era of Good Feelings", which resulted in the dissolvement of the Federalist Party, and the Democratic-Republican Party being the one party in control, all four of the Presidential Candidates were of the Democratic-Republican Party. The results had Andrew Jackson winning a plurality of both the popular and electoral vote, with John Quincy Adams winning second place in both, William Crawford winning fourth place in popular vote but third in the electoral vote, and Henry Clay winning third place in popular vote, but fourth place in the electoral vote. In order to win the Presidency, one must win a majority of the electoral votes, not merely just the most with a plurality. So when no candidate receives a majority, the top 3 (or 2 in case of a tie) candidates in the electoral vote are then chosen amongst the House of Representatives. Each state gets one vote. For each state, all of their U.S. Representatives in that states delegation vote and which ever candidate wins the most votes in that state, that state casts their vote for that candidate. The eliminated candidate was Henry Clay, who just happened to be the incumbent Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. While a Speaker cannot force who anyone votes for, there is a lot of respect and influence that comes with that job, and so while John Quincy Adams has had meetings with Henry Clay, it has been thought to be common knowledge that a deal was made and if Henry Clay was to help John Quincy Adams win the election through the House vote, that he would then select Henry Clay as his Secretary of State. And that's exactly what happened.

Andrew Jackson initially believed he had won the election, so when he learned that that had not happened, and that John Quincy Adams had been elected instead, and that Henry Clay was chosen as Secretary of State, and knowing that there was meetings between the two men, he began to complain of a "corrupt bargain" and continued to do so all throughout John Quincy Adams' duration in the White House, which damaged the Presidents reputation and held him back from being able to accomplish a lot of what he set out to accomplish, and caused him to lose most of his supporters in the House and Senate during the 1826 midterm election. Which made his last two years in the White House amongst the most difficult for any POTUS. Some of his ideas were good too, such as wanting to create a national highway. He did reduce the national debt by $11 million dollars during his four years, which went from $16 million to $5 million. And one of my personal favorite things he did, was after the murder of Captain William Morgan, a man who was killed by freemasons for exposing their secrets - John Quincy Adams waged his own personal war on Freemasonry. A few of his famous quotes regarding them:

"I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the Union is now laboring ... a conspiracy of the few against the equal rights of the many ...Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good."

"It's promise is light while it's performance is darkness."

This is why he's one of my personal favorites. Where as many Presidents were involved with directly or indirectly secret societies associated with the Illuminati, and many of them glorified as great men because of that - John Quincy Adams fiercely opposed them. He had little if anything to gain, and everything to lose, by exposing them. Yet he did it because it's the right thing to do. It doesn't matter how popular they are because good and evil is not determined by popular majority but rather by God Almighty.

Anyway, it goes without being said that with the end of Monroe's second term and the beginning of John Quincy Adams' term, the Era of Good Feelings had ended. Andrew Jackson formed the Democratic Party, and John Quincy Adams was considered part of the National Republican Party, but considered himself an Independent Republican.

In slightly less than relevant news I want added for the record, because it's historically worth noting, John C. Calhoun in 1824 ran as the Vice Presidential running mate of both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, and with their electoral votes combined won an outright majority, therefore immediately becoming Vice President-Elect, following the counting of votes of U.S. Voters and Electoral College. Had this occured any time within the first few Presidential elections, John C. Calhoun would have been elected President. As for which candidate would have been elected his Vice President would have been determined by factors admittedly mostly beyond my knowing. Although I would honestly guess that he might have done more to help Andrew Jackson, with whom he was more politically aligned with, which became evident in the next election of 1828, when the Vice President ran as the running mate of Andrew Jackson, and Treasury Secretary Richard Rush was chosen as John Quincy Adams' Vice Presidential running mate.

Following the results of this now two way election, the Jackson/Calhoun ticket won a majority of popular and electoral vote over the Adams/Rush ticket. Ironically John Quincy Adams received about 44% of the popular vote in the election he lost, after only receiving 30.9% of the popular vote in the election he ultimately won. This was based on reasons obvious if you read the earlier parts of this article about it.

After leaving the White House, John Quincy Adams, an avid reader, chose to enjoy his retirement reading all his books, but when the 1830 midterm elections came around, voters in his district unexpectedly elected him - as a write-in choice to serve his district in the United States House of Representatives. For his first four years in the lower house of Congress, he was a founding member of the Anti-Masonic Party, the first "Third Party" in the United States. While it was a single-issue party, it was considered "Right, to Far Right" based on the political ideologies of it's members. In the 1832 Presidential election, while John Quincy Adams would have been willing to run, the party leaders feared he wouldn't be a popular enough Presidential candidate (at least at the national level, and at that time) to take on the incumbent, Andrew Jackson, so they nominated - "ironically" - a freemason - to be their Presidential Nominee.

During the mid-1830's, many members of the Anti-Masonic Party joined the Whig Party (which is the immediate predecessor to the current Republican Party, which occurred in the mid 1850's).

During the 1830's, there was a rule in the House of Representatives called The Gag Rule, which meant people could petition the House to end slavery, and it could be discussed in House Committees and Sub Committees, but not on the House floor before the entire House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams, known for his blatantly stubborn ways just like his father, and refusing to ever show weakness in the face of opposition, decided he was going to be a badass, and broke the Gag Rule. Every. Single. Chance. He. Got. Like a Boss. Another reason I respect him so much. This was around when he earned a few nicknames. His most known one was Old Man Eloquent. The other one is The Abolitionist. There was even a vote to censure him, and the vote was very close but did not pass. Had the vote to censure him passed through Congress, he had a back up plan. He would have resigned Congress, and ran for his same seat in a special election, and won, thus nullifying any effect that the censure could have or would have had on his ability to function as a Congressman.

During his time as a Congressman, he lost two races for Massachusetts Governor, back when they were elected to 1 year terms by their state legislature. But this worked out for the nation in a few ways, because he was able to effectively end the Gag Rule in the House of Representatives. He also successfully argued a case before the Supreme Court, freeing prisoners who were falsely thought to be escaped slaves. And during his last half term, was during Abraham Lincoln's only term in Congress, and he was considered to be an inspiration to Abraham Lincoln, especially in regards to fighting slavery, before he himself passed away in the (at the time) House Speaker's chamber of a stroke at age 80, in February, 1848. His last words were "This is the last of earth. I am content." At the time of his death, he was the Dean of the House of Representatives.

Some interesting facts about John Quincy Adams were he would read about 4 or 5 chapters of the Bible every day. He once had a pet alligator when he lived in the White House named Lucy, and he would use her to play a prank on guests. He used to walk for 3 miles every morning and skinny dip in the Potomac river. One day someone stole his clothes so he asked someone to please go to the White House and ask the First Lady to bring him clothes. He had time to do all of this before most of his Congressional colleagues had even woken up. Him being such an early riser might indicate why he was always known for falling asleep in the chamber for the U.S. House of Representatives. Others believe he was faking it so that he could fool his rivals into saying things they might not say in his presence if he was awake. If you were to ask me, I believe he was genuinely tired and took a nap, but with his intelligence that earned him the nickname "Old Man Eloquent", had he woken up and heard any ill spoken words against him, he might have occasionally been inclined to listen. One of his most glorious moments in Congress was after suffering from a stroke, and with his old age many would have expected him to die imminently. When he walked into the House of Representatives after surviving a strong, there was a standing ovation from both the Democrats and Republicans. He is also known for having the highest IQ of all the Presidents, although sometimes it's listed as low as 162 and as high as 168.

Because we live in a world where good is called evil, and evil is called good, people usually pick their favorite Presidents based on the most famous and talked about Presidents, and sometimes most recent. Most people will usually pick amongst George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, or Donald Trump.

My two favorites equally, yet for some similar and some different reasons, both important and unimportant reasons, are John Quincy Adams, and Donald John Trump, Sr. Some unimportant similarities between the two are the John in their names, both having lost the popular vote, yet still elected to serve one term as President, with their Vice President's having something to do with electing their replacements. John C. Calhoun as mentioned earlier ran with Jackson, and Pence announced certification of results, which led to a political falling out between the two men who ran together on the Republican ticket in 2016 and 2020.