Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tothian's Song/Hey Kid, by Dan Olson

The lyrics go:

"You've got your grand heroic schemes.
They come to you in your dreams,
but your life never works out like that...

They'll laugh at you until they see
that they started World War 3
then they'll think twice about that...

You got your Army of your Knights
They'll follow you until they die,
but then again maybe they won't...

And when you die you hope and pray
That you'll be Jesus for a day
but you're not dying for my sins...

Hey Kid, you're not a prophet.
Put that gun
back in your pocket.

Hey Kid, you're not a prophet.
Put that gun
back in your pocket.

You can show but who will see
You can lead but who will follow?
Who will follow?
Who will follow?
I can't follow..."